Once you decide to get a divorce, there are several aspects you will have to look into before you officially end your marriage. You and your spouse must deal with asset distribution, child custody, child support, etc. Either you can sort those issues with each other, and if you cannot agree, hire a divorce lawyer in Appleton, WI, to help you negotiate.
If you and your spouse sort all your issues outside the court, it can benefit both of you. A good lawyer will help you find the best solution and ensure your life after divorce is well grounded.
When there is a dispute between couples, the matter reaches court, and the judge will decide on all aspects of your divorce.
Different aspects of a divorce case
Below are some aspects and issues you will have to deal with during your divorce.
- Property distribution
Almost all divorce cases require the couple to distribute their marital assets and debts fairly. Depending on the state, your marital assets are divided between an equitable distribution or commonality property.
In States, equitable distribution is expected. Here the distribution of marital assets and debts is done by the judge. The judge divides all the marital assets fairly among the couple. For example, if one partner needs certain assets and lays out fair terms and conditions about why they should have them, the judge will make the final decision. Moreover, equitable distribution does not mean equal distribution between both spouses.
In the community property rule, all marital assets and debts are considered community property. Marital assets in this rule are divided between both partners equally unless there is some significant reason behind splitting the assets partially.
- Alimony
Alimony is also known as spousal support, where one partner financially supports the other after the divorce. The amount of alimony can vary according to your income and earning capacity.
Generally, alimony is given by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning partner and paid only for a limited period after divorce.
- Child custody
Determining child custody has only one primary rule: to see the child’s best interest. Most judges decide to give both parents equal active participation in the child’s life as it is suitable for their mental health and well-being.
The most common child custody is joint legal custody, which allows both parents to participate equally in making significant decisions in a child’s life. Moreover, parents get equal time to spend with the child, and the kid is not deprived of either parent’s care and attention.